In Ontario, the speed limit on highways is mostly 100km/h, and it is mandatory for drivers to wear seatbelts. Additionally, the use of handheld mobile phones while driving is strictly prohibited in the province.


Ontario Driving Test - Rules 4

1 / 30

Always be aware of traffic around you as you drive, check your mirrors every ______ seconds or so.

2 / 30

What should you do when exiting a freeway?

3 / 30

How many demerit points will be recorded on your license for failing to remain at the scene of a collision?

4 / 30

Road test failures may result from…?

5 / 30

Never make a U-turn unless you can see at least _______ in both directions.

6 / 30

How many days do new Ontario residents have to register their vehicles?

7 / 30

What should you do if you feel drowsy while driving?

8 / 30

When a red "X" is indicated over a driving lane…?

9 / 30

Signs giving instructions around roadworks are…?

10 / 30

Wet roadways can cause…?

11 / 30

Why must you use signals when turning?

12 / 30

What action should be taken if your brakes fail?

13 / 30

When a police officer signals you to pull your vehicle over you must…?

14 / 30

What should you do if you become stranded in snow?

15 / 30

What is meant by 'overdriving' your headlights?

16 / 30

If a front tire goes flat, your vehicle will pull strongly to the:

17 / 30

Who has the right -of-way in a roundabout?

18 / 30

Drivers licensed under the Graduated Driver License Program are restricted from operating a vehicle…?

19 / 30

If you fail or refuse to give a breath or blood sample when asked by police, your license will immediately be suspended for…?

20 / 30

If there are continuity lines to the right of your lane, what must you do?

21 / 30

When do you stop for a school bus if there is a median?

22 / 30

The Accessible Parking Permit allows…?

23 / 30

When can you pass on a shoulder?

24 / 30

What is the safest action to take when your vehicle drives over black ice?

25 / 30

How much room do cyclists need on either side of themselves as a safety zone?

26 / 30

Coming to a complete stop at an intersection is required, but where do you stop if there is no stop line, crosswalk or sidewalk?

27 / 30

What you cannot see in your vehicle rear and side-view mirrors is said to be in your…?

28 / 30

You must not follow any emergency vehicle that has its siren or lights operating within…?

29 / 30

High Occupancy Vehicle lanes on provincial highways are reserved for vehicles carrying how many passengers?

30 / 30

Hydroplaning can cause your vehicle to skid. It is caused by…?

Your score is


A Guide For Passing The Ontario Driving Test G1

Studying for the driving test is key to getting your license. There’s a lot on the line when you’re driving in the car with actual people. Driving is almost like a sixth sense to many people; it’s not an action they even think about and is just a means to an end. Certain countries also drive a lot more than other countries. The United States has one of the highest ratios of drivers, but not all of its laws spread to other countries. Ontario is the largest province in Canada and has its own rules. Here are a few steps to ace that driving test when you take it.

Respect the street signs

Ontario Driving Test G1Signs are a big part of how traffic is navigated on the street. You have a responsibility to be knowledgeable about all of the street signs in your province. There are some similarities to driving in the United States, but you must get from point A to B safely. There is a lot that you have to worry about, and money of them are signs that aren’t shown in any other kind of country.

The province is quite big, and you don’t have to worry about the roads being as strict or denser than the area. Many signs have a diamond sign with the color yellow, which generally means it doesn’t have the same priority level as seeing a red octagon sign in the United States. However, if you’re caught blatantly violating the rules these signs have shown you, your test will fail. Thankfully, most of these signs are warnings and not direct actions you must take. This makes it much easier for you not to know every sign on the test.

Know how to deal with new changes on the fly

The reality is that when you start driving, there will be a bevy of issues on the road that you would’ve never seen coming. It’s good to have a plan for what you will do when you take your driver’s test, but you need to be prepared for some of those things to change when you take your test. Not everyone will be tested the same way when they drive, and you may be asked to do things the tester didn’t emphasize initially.

One second, you may be asked to perform a U-turn out of nowhere without much time to prepare or have the space for it. The next second, you may be asked to go on the highway longer than you had initially planned. Popular roads that you made plans to drive on for your test, and this isn’t the end of the world. This test was made to see if your core driving skills are good. As long as you’re confident in doing everything a driver would have to do, you should pass with flying colors.

Perfect your packing technique

Parking is putting the vehicle in a position where it can legally be stationary. However, you won’t always be parking the same way, and it’s better to be good at every parking method. Some people like to park in places head-first while others lick back into spaces with the back of their car. They usually like to do that since it will be easier to get off the car. It’s beneficial to be able to master when you get your license.

What’s also great is knowing how to parallel parking. This is the act of getting between the spaces of two cars and parking. This is typically activated by going in front of the first car, then backing up in front of the second car. After that, the driver turns the car towards the road to make the car parallel to the other cars. It’s very hard to pull off to an amateur, but this is required to pass the test. If your car is medium-sized, there should be plenty of opportunities to practice this in the city.

Know how to work your signals

On the road, the reality is that people are using heavy pieces of machinery to move from place to place. You need to be able to communicate with other drivers so that they’re not in any danger. The most common kind of signal that you’ll use is your turn signal. This is something that’s going to tell other drivers where you want to go. Giving them this kind of information may allow you more space to quickly get into a lane. Or it might be you who has to respect their turn signal.

For the sake of the test, you have to signal which way you will turn even if you aren’t around any cars. There are also emergency lights that your car needs to have at any time. However, this is only really something to worry about when the car doesn’t work well, and one of the requirements for the test is to have a well-working car. There are things like horns and flashing lights to communicate with drivers. However, the meaning may not be consistent when doing it with others.

Don’t be a hazard to other people

Driving can be something that has a lot of risk to it, and younger drivers tend to cause more accidents than older drivers. This is why you must moderate factors such as speed when driving. Realize that there could be little kids or pets that can’t be expected to respect you as a driver fully, so it’s important to have patience on your test. You also shouldn’t be speeding to the point where you can’t stop within a moment or to where you could get pulled over.