10 Weird Tricks and Hacks to Clean Your Car

Cleaning your car can be a tedious task but you cannot escape it. If your goal is to keep your car looking free of dirt and spotless at all times, chances are that you might get stuck in a cleaning process that is a little more complicated than others.

But you do not have to stress yourself out – there are quite a few weird tricks and hacks that you can use to clean your car and keep it looking shiny and spotless. If you think that using regular detergent mixed with water is good enough, the tips you are about to read will leave you astonished!

  1. Vodka is an excellent car cleaner – If the liquid in your windshield water tank is not working the way you want, it may be time to bring out the liquor. No, not to drink, but to use as a washer. Keep in mind that any vodka will do, so you do not have to buy anything expensive. Mix 4 cups of water, 3 cups of vodka, and 2 teaspoons of dishwasher liquid. Shake properly and pour the mixture into the reservoir. Activate your windshield wipers and you will see the streaks, stains, and all sorts of dirt vanish.
  2. Cola works wonders too – Yes, you read it right. The fizzing power of cola works well in cleaning up your windshield. When it rains after a long dry spell, you can be left with a messy windshield. But you can use the cola in your fridge to get rid of blotches and streaks. Simply pour the vodka over the glass, but make sure that the bottom is covered to protect the hood paint. The cola bubbles will fizz away all the dirt and grime, and you will be left with a sparkling windshield. Also, remember to wash off the sticky beverage thoroughly after cleaning or your cleaning efforts will be in vain.
  3. Hair conditioner for a freshly waxed look – Why spend a lot of money on expensive cleaning products to make your car look shiny and clean? All you need is hair conditioner. To ensure that your car looks super-shiny and has a freshly waxed look, wash your car with a hair conditioner that contains lanolin. It will also help the surface repel rain.
  4. Pantyhose for shine – Get rid of that old rag you sue to clean the windshield and headlights and use an old pantyhose instead. Apply cleaning solution and rub the windshield and headlights as vigorously as you can. You will instantly notice how shiny they are when you are done. And remember, the older the pantyhose, the better.
  5. Baby wipes for a quick clean – If you are looking ways to shorten your car cleaning process, just go through your child’s things. Baby wipes are an effective and quick way to clean your windshields and make them clean and shiny. All you need to do is run baby wipes on your windshield once and you are done.
  6. Clean Your Car

  7. Kerosene to wax your car – Rainwater on your car increases the chances of rust. Well, what if you were told that you do not need to wax or spray your car or that you do not need to hate the rain? A mixture of 3 gallons of water and 1 cup of kerosene is all you need. Dip a rag into the mixture and wipe it over your car. That is all you need to do!
  8. Baking soda to clean and shine – Baking soda can help clean your car effectively. All you need to do is mix 1 quarter cup of baking soda with the same amount of dishwashing liquid. Shake the mixture properly and pour 1 cup of the mixture to 2 gallons of warm water. Mix thoroughly and start cleaning!
  9. Clean dirty wipers with ammonia – When your windshield wipers are dirty, it will end up leaving more marks rather than making it clean. You do not have to replace them – just mix 1 quarter cup of household ammonia and 1 quart of cold water. Dip a cloth or paper towel into the mixture and scrub the wipers gently. Once you are done, clean them off with a dry cloth. You will have clean wipers that keep your windshields spotless.
  10. Maxi-pads to clean your windshield – If your reservoir is empty and you can get to a windshield washing fluid at that moment, you can use an unlikely substitute – feminine hygiene maxi-pads. Simply take a pad and vigorously rub your windshield with it. Once you have wiped it to the max, you will find it sparkling like new.
  11. Get rid of oily grime with cream of tartar – In a number of rural areas, there are what is known as oil roads that are sprayed with oil to control blowing dust and sand. When you drive along such roads, your windshield may end up getting coated with oily grime. One effective way to clean up such muck is cream of tartar. After using this weird cleaning solution, wipe the glass down with soapy water and then rinse and dry.

As you can see, you do not need to buy expensive cleaning products to have a clean and shiny car. All you need to do is rummage around your home and you are bound to find something to clean your car. You do not have to be a chemist either. With these weird but effective items, you can have a glossy, sparkling car that looks like it has been detailed by a pro.