Motorcycle riding is an exhilarating experience, but also comes with its own set of rules and regulations. It is crucial for all motorcycle riders to familiarize themselves with the traffic laws in their state or province. In Ontario, for example, all riders must wear a helmet that is approved by the Ministry of Transportation.


Ontario Motorcycle Test 04

1 / 30

If a motorcyclist misses the correct freeway exit, what should the motorcyclist do?

2 / 30

What causes wobbling in motorcycles?

3 / 30

Why should motorcyclists not share lanes with other vehicles?

4 / 30

A motorcyclist should keep the mirrors positioned in such a way that the motorcyclist can:

5 / 30

If the engine seizes while in use, what should the motorcyclist do?

6 / 30

In case a need arises for a motorcyclist to stop the motorcycle while making a turn, the following process should be used:

7 / 30

If a motorcyclist decides to change to the left lane while driving, what should the motorcyclist do before changing lanes?

8 / 30

At what level should cargo be kept on a motorcycle?

9 / 30

How does driving over metal gratings, worn out roads or grooved pavement affect the driving of a motorcycle?

10 / 30

When entering a freeway, what is the right time to turn on the turn signal?

11 / 30

What is black ice?

12 / 30

A driver entering a highway via an entrance ramp must:

13 / 30

Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit on 2-lane highways outside of towns, cities, villages or built-up areas is:

14 / 30

What should a motorcyclist do if the motorcycle wheels begin to lock while braking?

15 / 30

What should a motorcyclist do if the throttle becomes stuck while driving?

16 / 30

Why are motorcyclists advised against shifting gears while turning? (Choose 2)

17 / 30

How often should motorcyclists check mirrors while driving on a freeway?

18 / 30

If the engine locks or freezes, what should a motorcyclist do?

19 / 30

If the front tire blows out when on the road, a motorcyclist should...?

20 / 30

What is required for a motorcyclist with an M1 license to carry a passenger?

21 / 30

To what style of driving does the phrase "staggered formation" refer?

22 / 30

When a motorcyclist is in need of assistance, how should the motorcyclist alert other drivers on the road?

23 / 30

How should you react if debris or some other flying object hits you?

24 / 30

When approaching an intersection where the road is blocked with traffic, a motorcyclist should:

25 / 30

Besides a properly-equipped motorcycle, what is required for a motorcyclist to tow a trailer?

26 / 30

When a motorcyclist carries a passenger, the extra rider's weight affects the motorcycle and...?

27 / 30

In a situation where a number of motorcyclists are travelling with each other, in what way should they drive?

28 / 30

What should motorcyclists take into consideration at railway crossings?

29 / 30

How far away from the closest gate or rail should a motorcyclist stop when nearing a railway crossing with a train approaching?

30 / 30

A highly skilled motorcyclist has which of the following qualities?

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Ontario M1 Test

If you want to make sure you get it right, Here are some simple things you can do to ace the written portion:

Get A Good Night’s Sleep – Taking a test is hard, and stressful. Chances are good that it might make it hard for you to relax. However, if you’re going to take your driving test, you need to make sure you get enough sleep before you do it. So avoid caffeine, don’t stay up late, and try to get all your Z’s in.

Don’t Focus Exclusively on The Driving Portion – Too often you’ll get caught up on the driving portion of a test, and you’ll neglect the written portion as a result. Remember, you need to pass both portions in order to get your license. So dedicate the proper amount of time to passing the pencil-and-paper test before you worry about getting behind the wheel.

This online Ontario M1 Test, with multiple choice questions, is intended to help you prepare for the Ontario M1 Motorcycle driver’s test required before you can get your Motorcycle driver’s license. This free practice written knowledge test is a lesson that is essential for getting your Ontario M1 driver’s license at your local licensing office.